Friday, October 23, 2009

Meet the V-Series Challengers – Preliminary List

 Lutz Challenges All Comers With CTS-V Track Race... You know that new GM tagline "May the Best Car Win"? Well, new marketing honcho Bob Lutz was having so much fun talking to journalists about it, he took it a step further and publicly challenged anyone to a race in the CTS-V.

Lutz, working on it at Monticello

The group of challengers, as it stands now, includes a few auto journalists and several private car owners, reflecting a good range of different cars and experience levels. We think it’ll make for a well-rounded group.
Let’s meet the preliminary list of challengers. First up, the automotive writers:

Name: Wes Siler –
Wes is road test editor for Jalopnik, the first and to take us up on the Challenge. Wes is a skilled and experienced driver and evaluator of cars, especially the fast ones.

Name: Jack Baruth –
Jack will be representing in the Challenge. Jack’s an experienced racer, on two wheels and four. He hails from Columbus, Ohio.

Name: Lawrence Ulrich – freelance auto writer
Lawrence contributes to The New York Times and other publications. He drives all manner of cars regularly, and has some track driving experience though he’s careful to point out that his experience has been on a non-competitive basis.

Let’s meet the initial group private car owners:

Name: Michael M.
Hometown: Whitecoff, NJ
Michael is a graduate of the Porsche driving school and a contributor to  He owns a BMW M5.

Name: Michael C.
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Our second Michael has trained at Skip Barber. At just 21 years old, Michael is the younger driver in the Challenge. He owns a BMW M3.

Name: Chris
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Chris has recently bought a CTS-V, and wants to learn more about his car’s capabilities.

Name: Tom
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Tom drives an Audi RS4, has participated in the Audi driving school at Sonoma and has also done some autocross racing.

Plenty of other notable car enthusiasts will be there Oct 29 as well, either as participants or spectators. We’ll have more information about the competition and their cars in coming days so keep checking Cadillac Notes for all the latest news.

CadillacNotes GM Blog

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