Monday, November 30, 2009


The government has announced that a 27 cent/ litre rise in all grades of petrol is on the cards for Wednesday 2nd of December 2009. The price of wholesale diesel will increase by 25 cents a litre while illuminating paraffin will increase by 29 cents.
The Department of Energy says consumers are simply carrying the international price increases for these liquids as well as suffering from a weak Rand/ US dollar exchange rate.

“The average Rand/US Dollar exchange rate for the period 30 October 2009 to 26 November 2009 was 7.5722 compared to 7.4988 during the previous period,” said the Ministry.

No indication has been given as to which direction these commodities will take in January, but because of signs of economic recovery in many parts of the world, as well as the winter that’s upon the northern hemisphere which will increase demand and prices, it would be safe to assume another increase.

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