Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Henderson's team is under pressure to reverse a long slide in U.S. market share

Keep it up Fritz!

GM must reverse sales and market share losses. Key to that will be changing buyer perceptions so they can look beyond the bankruptcy and consider GM models.

The job security of GM CEO Fritz Henderson may depend on the automaker's performance. Henderson's team is under pressure to reverse a long slide in U.S. market share.
GM needs hot products. While sales increased 4 percent in October, the automaker is bracing for a drop in global industry volume this quarter -- from 67.8 million to 65.4 million vehicles -- and executives forecast U.S. sales could fall from 11.7 million to 10.7 million. Next year, however, executives expect a modest recovery in the U.S.
GM's global market share is climbing despite the bankruptcy, rising 0.3 percentage points to 11.9 percent in the 80 days following bankruptcy compared to the first half of 2009. U.S. market share in the period stayed flat at 19.5 percent, but GM gained share in the U.S. in October for a third straight month and early indications suggest November could continue the trend.

Chevrolet Cruze in Paris; coming soon to U.S.


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