Monday, January 25, 2010

Ed Whitacre to Continue as GM CEO

Good Luck Ed!
We have said what was needed to be said earlier...
Good saving on GM's part...Darn hard to hire a new CEO with the current DC pressure on salaries..!
Bob Lutz, you better continue your tutoring tho...:-)

GM commits to paying back US and Canadian government loans by June
DETROIT – Edward E. Whitacre, Jr., has agreed to continue as chairman and CEO of General Motors, it was announced today.
Speaking at a press conference at GM’s headquarters, Whitacre also expressed the GM board’s commitment that the company will pay back in full the U.S. Treasury and the Canadian and Ontario government loans by June.

Whitacre’s appointment reflects GM’s progress since the new company was formed last summer.  “The board of directors asked if I would be willing to stay on at GM and help continue the company’s road back to success,” Whitacre said.  “Having spent the past few months learning the business, meeting with our employees, customers, suppliers and dealers, and working with the GM leadership team, I was both honored
and pleased to accept this role.  This is a great company with an even greater future, and I want to be part of it."
“We’ve made significant progress in the past couple of months, so much so that I can confirm with certainty that we will pay back in full the U.S. Treasury and Canadian and Ontario government loans by June,” Whitacre said.  “This represents a significant milestone in our journey back to being a profitable and viable company.”

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