Friday, June 17, 2011

Where can I find cheap car insurance for new drivers?

It seems like prices today keep skyrocketing, and one thing that can get really expensive is car insurance. Because new drivers are more at risk, car insurance for these drivers can get high.
Fortunately, you can save money on car insurance by comparing car insurance companies for FREE and instantly by entering your ZIP code into our ZIP code search.
drivingstudent 300x199 Where can I find cheap car insurance for new drivers?

Teen Driving Statistics

Car insurance for new drivers is considered more at risk for an accident, so the insurance premiums are higher. The following are some statistics obtained by insurance companies on new drivers:
• There are more accidents by new drivers than any other groups of drivers in the insurance industry.
• Car accidents are the number 1 killer of teens in the United States.
However, if drivers can prove to the insurance company that they are not at risk for an accident, their premiums should be lower. Also, drivers should take the time to compare car insurance companies and try to find the cheapest auto insurance. An easy way to do this for FREE is by entering your ZIP code into our ZIP code search.

Ways to get Cheap Car Insurance

If you are patient and work hard, there are many ways to get cheap car insurance for new drivers:
• Drivers should be informed: They should not just accept that their rates are going to be higher just because they are a new driver. There are many ways to lower insurance rates. Drivers should research the companies and see who offers the best deals.
• Drivers should reassure the Company: Most companies have higher insurance cost for new drivers because they come with a high risk. Drivers can reduce their rate if they can prove that they have a good credit record with no blemishes. They can also lower their rate if they choose a safe and older vehicle.
• Drivers can build up Driving History: New drivers might first be on the insurance of a more experienced driver. They could start off sharing a car, so they can prove that they are a safe driver.
• Drivers can ask for Discounts: There are many companies that provide discounts for good grades.
• Drivers can attend a Driving Class: Most companies will lower their rates if drivers attend a defensive driving or other type of course.

Tips to Get Lower Premiums

Here are some ways to get cheaper premiums and possibly cut in half the cost of car insurance.
1. Raise the deductible.
2. Choose the state minimum for liability insurance.
3. Remove comprehensive and collision insurance on old vehicles. Repair costs might be more that what the vehicle is worth.
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Cheapest Cars to Insure

Insurance on new drivers will be cheaper depending on the type of vehicle. Most of the time, inexpensive cars are cheaper to insure. In addition, domestic, 4 door vehicles and 4 cylinder motors and minivans are also less expensive to insure.
Most experts say that it is not wise to purchase an SUV for a new driver. They are more expensive, and are not considered safe.
When looking for an older vehicle, there are several factors to consider:
• Reliability
• Safety
• Price

If an individual chooses these features, they are more likely to obtain cheaper car insurance.

Ways to Influence Rates

There is an old saying that says, “You should lead by example.” A teen usually will model the parent. The premium can go sky high if the new driver immediately has tickets or traffic violations.
Parents should talk to their children about safety. The following are several things that parents can do to educate their child about safety:
• The whole family can even take a defensive driving course together.
• They can also teach their child how to handle rodeside emergencies. They should know how to change a tire, and they should know how a jack operates.
• They can also teach their child the dangers of drunk driving.
• They can teach their child the importance of driving within the speed limit.
If individuals can prove to the insurance company that they are taking safety measures, their car insurance could be less expensive.

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Car Insurance Companies

Car insurance companies are very competitive, so it is very possible to obtain great rates, even if they are for new drivers. The best way to get cheap car insurance for a new driver is to shop around and find the best car insurance quotes.
Drivers will want to ask specific questions, such as discounts available, driving record and type of vehicle. Sometimes companies do not offer information, the individual just needs to ask the right questions.
The common discounts for new drivers are:
• Good grades: Most companies require a B or higher.
• Do not list the new driver as the primary driver: New drivers can list a parent or other family member as the main driver for the vehicle.
• Multi-car discounts: Most families have more than one car, so drivers can receive a discount for having more than one vehicle.
Individuals should obtain several quotes from insurance companies to see who will offer them the best rates. Drivers can get free quotes online to see what is available.
If drivers just spend a little effort lowering their rates, they can have extra money to spend on other things that they might enjoy.
So what are you waiting for? Start today and speak with car insurance companies about Cheap Car Insurance for New Drivers – use our ZIP CODE search to get FREE car insurance quotes today.
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